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Growth Mindset 2

The power of a growth mindset: Part two

For the last couple of generations, parents and educators have been encouraged to recognise and reward achievement in children. Positive reinforcement was seen as the way to motivate learning, and at the time that meant celebrating what each child was good at. Some children were good at maths, while others showed ability in writing, arts or sport and so on. It was also widely accepted that each child has a particular level of intelligence and the important thing was achieving to their perceived potential.

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Jobs in 2030: Skills You Need Now to Land the Jobs of the Future

Do you remember what life was like before iPhones existed?
What about before Uber?
The internet?
Can you imagine actually having to look up a word in the dictionary?
Or going to the library to rent the latest edition of Harry Potter?
Probably not.

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How to get your child through exams in one piece.

It’s the time of year that students and parents both fear: exam period is upon us!
With these exams comes stress, bringing with it some delightful side effects such as acne, insomnia, increased heart rate and bad moods - and that’s just you! There’s no doubt that your child is feeling the pressure as well, and they probably have their own way of coping, leaving you and your protective parental instincts feeling a little bit useless.

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Mindfulness for children

You may have heard people talking about the benefits of being mindful. It’s something that western cultures picked up from Buddhist traditions decades ago. Mindfulness is not a religion however; it is simply a beneficial technique or way of behaving that Buddhist followers use. A lot of scientific research has been done on the effects of mindfulness in adults and in the last decade or so this has increasingly turned to mindfulness in children.

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children wearing superhero masks

Parents and Children: How to Build Resilience

Every child has the potential for greatness. However, there’s no particular success or happiness gene, or a “one-fits-all” formula that does wonders. Being happy and successful means different things to different kids, but one thing that they all must learn is how to face struggles, failures and challenges, since they are an inevitable part of life.

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