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Depositphotos 159138290 l 2015

Art in everyday life - 4 ways to celebrate and develop creativity in children

Budding artists bring a spark of creativity to many of their pursuits. Seeing the world around them in a left-of-centre way, can also increase their critical thinking and problem solving skills. While developing the left brain’s ability to reason with logic, there are a range of reasons why activating the complementary side is worth equal attention.


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Depositphotos 7936908 l 2015

Introducing Your Child to the Wonders of STEM

We often don’t associate the word ‘STEM’ with creativity, as the science, technology, engineering and mathematics subjects have traditionally been reserved for a purely scientific concept approach to education. But what if STEM also came to represent sensory-exploration, thought-provoking discoveries, entertaining education and monumental inventions?

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Depositphotos 14394809 l 2015

5 Daily Activities That Make Reading Fun

Books can transport us on endless adventures, and there are countless benefits to reading together with your child for as little as 10 minutes a day. But setting some quiet time aside to do just that isn’t always so simple. We can often feel as if we are constantly on the go, from one task to the next … whether it be ferrying between sports, tutoring classes or to pick up some groceries. Here are opportunities to educate your child and encourage a love of reading, even when books are not at your fingertips.

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7 Ways To Make Maths Fun

While some people love the structure maths offers, people associate mathematics with unpleasant experiences of repetition, ROTE learning, and a rigid right and wrong answer.

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Building positive study habits outside of the classroom

Has your child’s schooling become mainly online, amidst the coronavirus outbreak? Well, if they have, you certainly aren’t alone.

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